Squat.net News 21.August 2003

New squat in Begrade/Serbia

Hi, I would like to inform you that it is now in process of creating of squat in Belgrade/Serbia. I occupied one old, big house in the center of the town and I am inside already one month. Owner is living in Paris, he is very rich and one old man takes care about house (he turned every night and morning light in the garden on and off, now he doesn?t do it anymore). I think that they are hoping that I (or we will) will clean house so they still didn?t send cops. Other anarchists and punx come here also. They help about cleaning of rooms, moving of furniture, some of them will give computer for squat when we realize electricity, etc. In any case, here will not be the place only for sleeping than for anti-authoritarian activities also. So, it was started as a roof for my poor head (for sleeping), but during the time it is becoming squat with anti-authoritarian activities. Therefore we are planning to realize inside of it: library, Belgrade Indymedia, lectures, discussions, projections of films, etc. I hope that we will succeed to realize all our plans. I would like to say also that somebody who travel through Belgrade can contact us in order to visit us or to sleep here, of course, free/without costs. Just say us several days before you come here and we will take care about it.

Rebel House
Petersen Sascha
Dobracina 15
11000 Belgrade
Serbia and Montenegro

When we get web hosting and e-mail for squat we will send you info about it (possibly it will be: rebelhouse@mutualaid.org ).Now contact e-mail is:
rebelmouse@bastardi.net or rebelmouse@anarcho.zzn.com

Of course, squat is in the time of borning/creating, so we need any kind of help or information from you about your activities (books, magazines, newspapers, CDs or video with films, etc). You know already what one squat needs, you have experience about it. This is first time that one anti-authoritarian squat will be created in Serbia so we don?t have experience about it, except some rarely people who had chance to travel abroad and to visit squats (we are still isolated from other people in Europe). But we will learn from our mistakes.

greetings and stay in touch
Rebel Mouse

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